
A Learning Experience - RP 7

Deviation Actions

NetsirkWriter's avatar

Literature Text

    Lizzie let herself relax as she soaked in the tub. It was actually big enough for her to stretch out and go under if she wanted. That was a luxury she hadn’t had since she was a kid! She ducked her head under the water, smoothing her hair away from her face as she came back up. The teen had no idea how her bathroom actually worked without being hooked up to water or electricity, but was exceptionally glad it did. She looked toward the bathroom door, half expecting someone her own size to knock on the door and tell her she was going to prune if she stayed in the water any longer. With a sigh, she hoisted herself up, quickly wrapping a towel around herself and draining the water. Again, she had no clue where it would go, but she was glad it worked. Her clothes were still piled in the bathroom because she had been too nervous to put them away with Jonathan watching. Sorting through them she chose a light teal top and a pair of jeans to wear. It was then that she realized she only had the one pair of socks and shoes. She shrugged it off almost immediately. There’s no reason I can’t go barefoot here, she reasoned. Of course, she soon thought of another issue. Laundry. Her face turned beet-red at the thought of Jonathan doing her laundry, but, after a quick look around the bathroom, she couldn’t find a washer and dryer. With a small sigh, she shook the thought off and started putting her clothes away.


    He wasn’t sure what she might like to eat.... Though when he asked of her likes and dislikes of food she seemed to have only told him about her not being too fond of strawberries. Well he certainly wasn’t going to cook anything with that in it. So, he supposed anything else she’d be okay with.... Only thing to decide was what to make.... Something rather simple, just to be safe. Well.... sandwiches were a safe enough choice right? Sure, that sounded okay.... It felt odd to make such a big deal of what he’d make but.... he wasn’t thinking about just himself anymore. Yeah he wasn’t going to get used to that anytime soon. Yawning, he got to work, gathering everything. Perhaps a BLT...? Yeah..... that should be fine....

    He didn’t mean to show his tiredness in front of Lizzie.... He was sure she noticed, how could she not? It’s not like he was hard to see when around her. Surely after they ate he could just.... get a bit of rest, only a little. He wanted to keep her busy with things.... get her mind off the obvious issues.... He wouldn’t want to seem to be trying to erase her memories or anything, just trying to help her cope.... even by a small amount.


    Lizzie finished putting away her clothes. She stretched a little as she moved to sit in the recliner. For some reason she felt drained. Sitting in the chair, tension started seeping from her body. Like this, she could almost imagine she was back in a place where giants were just fairy tales. Yeah, she thought, eyes slowly blinking. A small yawn escaped her and she scooted around in the chair, getting comfortable. Her eyes slipped closed, and before she knew it, she was slipping asleep.

    Her eyes shot open as the ground started shaking. She bolted up, eyes wild. It took her a few seconds to realize what was going on. Looking out the window to see the top of a nightstand helped. She rubbed at her eyes, wondering how long she had been asleep. Her mind slowly returned to the conversation from before. Jonathan had just gone to make them some food. The shaking was probably just him coming back. A small shudder ran down her spine at the thought. He was so big to her, that his footsteps felt like earthquakes.


    When he had finished making everything, he took the opportunity to finally take off his sweater completely. It was actually at a nice comfortable temperature in the house, which he was grateful for... since it was starting to get rather cold outside.... He also had his share already, totally not so he could drift off a little while she ate.... It was... so she could take her time, and wouldn’t have to see him eat.... yup. 

    He headed back upstairs, sighing at his sleepiness as he came back to his room. From the entrance.... seeing a miniature house on his nightstand felt.... weird. Knowing that Lizzie was in there.... added onto the feeling. Jonathan attempted to shake it off, and slowly headed over. He took in a breath, exhaled, and crouched down in front of the house. Should he knock? No.... that was silly. His voice could be heard just fine. “Liz?” He called out softly.


    Lizzie waited to move until after his footsteps had stopped. She could tell he was in front of the house and slowly stood from her chair. Part of her didn’t want to leave the “house” again, feeling comfortable in the almost-familiar surroundings, but another part knew she couldn’t just leave Jonathan waiting like that. She heard fabric rustling as he moved outside and his soft voice filtering in. Her eyes darted around the room, seeming to look for an excuse to stay where she was, but her stomach reminded her of why he had left in the first place. “C-coming!” she called, walking back to the front door. She tied her hair back as she walked, a habit she had perfected back home. Cutting that thought off before it could progress any further, she opened the door to Jonathan’s large face.

    “Y’know, I haven’t been called ‘Liz’ in forever,” she tried to tease, a small smirk forming on her face. Seeing his face again reminded her of how gentle he always was around her and how much it must take out of him. She couldn’t help noticing how tired his eyes looked. Not to mention, she could probably do with a nap too. It had been an eventful day, after all, one she was trying not to over think. “So,” she interrupted her own thoughts. “What’s for lunch?”


    When she came out of the house, his eyes scanned her briefly before he gave her a smile as always. He hadn’t even realized he had shortened her name to “Liz”.... did he really? To make sure he took a moment to replay the previous scene in his mind. Indeed.... He did say that didn’t he? “O-oh, heh.... I-I guess it was automatic....” He mused, his smile turned into a sheepish one, and being accompanied by a slight tint of pink on his face. At least she didn’t say she minded being called that.... otherwise he would have felt stupid...

    He relaxed a tad bit when asked of what was to eat. “Er... well I made a BLT...” He answered almost warily, hoping she was alright with the choice. If not he could always easily make something else though. “If that’s alright?”


    “It’s okay,” she replied, closing the door completely and walking closer to Jonathan “It’s just been a while since I had my name shortened that far.” Mustering her courage at his gentle smile, she walked right up to his face, smiling herself as his eyes started crossing to keep looking at her. “My full name’s Elizabeth, but I only gt called that when I’m in trouble usually,” she told him quietly, shuffling her feet a little. Part of her couldn’t believe she had told him that, but another said it was only fair since he had told her his full first name. She wondered if he would b opposed to having a nickname, but was still nervous about pushing her boundaries as the moment. After all, she hand only been with him for about a day and a half, not to mention how long she had been in that box. She quickly buried that thought when he spoke again.

    “A BLT sounds delicious, Jonathan,” she answered gratefully. She kept getting surprised by all the similarities between here and home. The only major difference seemed to be scale. And the fact that Jonathan purred. And he had fangs. And the eyes changing colors thing.


    He was kind of surprised that she was telling him her full, name, and then kind of not. Surprised because he knew that there were people that were actually just named Lizzie. Not surprised because... he considered it being a nickname, but assumed it was her full name because he gave his. Ah well.... the tradition of full names being exchanged in introductions don’t always have to be followed.... “Elizabeth....” It was a nice name though.... he couldn’t help but test it out. “Well.....  I think that it’s...... i-it’s a very pretty name. D-despite it’s er..... history of use with you....” He admitted, chuckling slightly. “It sounds quite distinguished too. K-kind of makes me think of royalty, or s-something like that.....” He hoped that hadn’t come out sounding silly.....

    “It does? Good. T-then here.....” He offered up both hands to her, just to insure that she got off the nightstand safely.


    She blushed a little as her full name rolled off his lips. It sounded different when he said it, probably because he wasn’t scolding her. No, it was more than that. She realized that as he continued. “Y-you think?” she asked, brushing a few flyaways away from her face. Her hands quickly found her pockets, her bare feet scuffing the top of the nightstand, as he continued. “Royalty? Me?” she let out a half-hearted chuckle. “I doubt it. I come from two farming families.” Her eyes darted up again as his hands came up. Taking a deep breath, she walked into them. Even after affirming her trust in him, it was still hard to push herself into his hands sometimes. Especially after being in a place that seemed almost normal.

    “Yup,” she answered, sitting down in his hands. “BLT’s are good.”


    Jonathan brought his hands in closer once she stepped on, curling his fingers protectively while he stood up. It was a little odd feeling her without shoes... kind of felt her hands basically.... At least she was hopefully more comfortable now though. “Oh, y-you do....?” He questioned curiously, raising her up to his line of sight for a moment while he walked out. Considering that then.... he supposed it couldn’t exactly be possible to be from a royal background.... but, he still thought her full name was nice. “W-well.... ether w-way, Elizabeth is still a l-lovely name..... hm?” And that was hard to say for him, because now he was blushing.... He was surprised he hadn’t the first time he said it actually.... but it had caught up with him now. His attention momentarily switched to where he was heading when he realized that he had made his way all the downstairs without even looking..... That could’ve been bad.... it reminded him of the first day with her and when he almost collided with the dining table.... Fortunately he was able to keep on track without it being obvious that something similar like that had happened again.... or so he hoped. 

    “I w-wasn’t sure what to get you to drink.... “ He murmurs as he enters the kitchen, lowering his hand down onto the table so she could get to her own smaller one. Didn’t make sense to have her wait any longer to eat than needed.... “Do you.... j-just want water again, or something else...?


    Lizzie sat down immediately as Jonathan moved her, watching as his fingers curled around her. Why was it that she felt safe here with him even when his fingers were longer than she was tall? If she thought about it, she knew she shouldn’t really trust him as much as she did. It had only been a few days, but she was already almost completely secure in his hands. What was it about him that made this all feel so safe? She was interrupted from her thoughts as he complimented her name again. She glanced up, noticing the blush once more painting his cheeks and felt one forming on her own. her body tensed slightly as she felt the shift in his movements, but otherwise didn’t move. He must know his house pretty well to be able to focus on her while walking around. Once more, she didn’t know whether to feel impressed or scared by this knowledge.

    She slid off his hand after he had lowered it to the table. It felt good to actually be able to sit at a table her size in this oversized world. “Wa-water’s good,” she answered, taking a seat and looking at the mini-sandwich Jonathan had made her. She looked toward the nearest chair his size, noticing that there wasn’t a sandwich waiting there for him. “Aren’t you going to eat?” she asked, trying to figure out how to eat her portion without looking slightly idiotic.


    He supposed she’d have to use the thimble again.... since they weren’t able to get cups or utensils..... “A-alright then.” It had been rinsed out already since the last time she used it, but he rinsed it out once more time just to make sure. When he went to get the water for her from the fridge, he heard her question about eating himself. “O-oh, heh.... I-I already ate before I came up to g-get you....” He answered, pouring the water in. After putting the bottle back, he walked over and placed it near her. “S-sorry..... you don’t have anything to eat with at the m-moment.....” Jonathan mused while taking a seat at the table and resting his arms on it. His head lowered onto them soon after, letting his eyes close a little.... but not all the way. Huh.... he never realized how comfy the table could be.... sort of..... No actually he was pretty sure that was just the sleepy part of his brain talking.... “Mmph.... not sleeping.... just.... relaxing....” That was said to assure himself just as much as Lizzie.... “No need to.... rush.... take your... time.” 


    Oh. So he had already eaten. She supposed that was probably a good thing, considering the size difference. His bites were probably bigger than she was. Kind of a scary thought. She looked up at him, that thought still in her head as she took in his size once again. Yup, he could definitely eat her if he wanted. Just add that to the list. She shuddered lightly, hoping he wouldn’t notice, and turned back to her food. Unfortunately, those thoughts kept spinning in her mind even after he put the thimble by her again. “Th-that’s ok,” she stammered, sliding off the chair to take a drink from the bucket-sized thimble. Her appetite was dulled slightly by the thoughts buzzing in her mind, but she managed to eat anyway, glancing up as Jonathan laid his head in his arms. After eating as much as she could, she quietly stood from her chair. This was the stillest he had been since she got here... at least that she had been fully awake for. A small smile formed on her face as she noticed his eyes were closed. Not sleepy, huh? She saw his hair draped over his arms, the curls tempting her closer. She didn’t know why, but she liked touching hair that was a different texture than her own waveless locks. As carefully as she could, to avoid disturbing the resting giant, Lizzie climbed so she could feel his hair. Definitely a different texture. The smile broadened as her hands sunk into his hair. She could pick out individual strands if she wanted to, but chose instead to just feel it as she normally would. Paying more attention to his hair than where she was going, the girl didn’t notice she was running out of arm. With a surprised squeak, she tumbled off, winding up slightly tangled in Jonathan’s curls.


    Whelp.... this was pretty inevitable.... falling into a light slumber on the table and all. Technically he had already kinda made plans for it to happen.... which is why he ate first. Also, he just...... felt weird eating in front of her.... so that was another reason.... As his sleep continued.... something felt.... odd. His subconscious mind couldn’t put a finger on it though.... a feeling of something.... getting closer. It wasn’t the climbing that woke him up however. Only until hearing the sound of Lizze’s squeak did he actually come out of it. His eyes shot open, though he didn’t move anything yet, still rather drowsy. Her lack of presence in front of him was quite obvious.... but then her scent was still strong, if not a bit stronger....? “Lizzie.....” He muttered out before being cut off from saying anything else by a yawn. Wait, the more he thought about it.... the sound he had heard came from the side of him..... He tried his best to look from his peripheral, and almost jumped out of his skin to see a glimpse of where she was. Which was..... in his hair....? When and how did that happen? This was far too much for him to register after just waking up.... “Ack, L-Lizzie... what..... how.....” Complete sentences would be nice.... “A-are you.... okay?” He didn’t want to move too much.... but he raised his head a little to at least free a hand so it could be put beneath her. “W-what..... are you d-doing there....?” He asked in bewilderment as his eyebrows contorted to fit his tone, barely able to see her from the odd location. There was actually even a hint of amusement in his expression as well. This had to be one of the strangest things that has ever happened to him..... 


    Lizzie could feel his hair tangling around her. One foot in particular was caught so as to hold her upside down. She gripped some of the surrounding hair to take some pressure off her leg. She turned her face towards his as he apparently woke up, murmuring her name. From where she was tangled, she could actually see the yawn. A chill ran down her spine at the sight of his mouth opening so wide. Luckily he hadn’t moved much when waking. She kept her grip on his hair as best she could when he did finally move. Gravity shifted a little as he raised his head. Looking down, she saw his hand come up and debated trying to let go to drop down into it, but felt the strands of hair she had been gripping tangle around her wrists a little. “Oh, shoot,” she whispered, trying to pull herself upright so she didn’t pass out like this. Her face reddened for another reason when he asked what she was doing. “I, uh, I just wondered what your hair felt like,” she admitted sheepishly, finding she could sort of half sit in his hair if she didn’t mind holding on. “I kinda got lost in the feel and fell in, though.” She hid her face in the strands of his hair, feeling the firmness of his scalp by her side. “It’s not so bad,” she admitted, twining a few strands between her fingers. “Wish mine would curl like this.”


    “M-my hair.....?” She wanted to feel his hair? Like..... how you want to feel the fur of an exotic animal? Okay maybe he shouldn’t compare it like that.... “Fell in..... I-I see....” So.... should he keep his hand there? He kept feeling her move around.... it was a really weird feeling, and he was a bit concerned of her falling out. She didn’t sound distressed though, in fact she had just said it wasn’t so bad. “It’s not? Oh.....” His hand slowly moved away, and he lowered his head back down carefully. This time however, he had it so his hair rested on his arm more, so if she wanted to she could come down hopefully without any problems. If she did need help though, he of course would give it. Her last comment surprised him a little. Her hair was perfect for her... or at least he thought so..... “You do? B-but I..... well I like the way your hair i-is.... It looks nice on you... T-though, it would be k-kind of interesting to see it like that.....” He murmured, blushing again.... “A-are you good where you are? Y-you’re not stuck or a-anything....  are you?” Never thought his hair would be a possible trap..... it sounded so silly in his head. 


    “I know it’s weird,” she murmured, swinging a little with his unintentional movements. Keeping a good grip with one hand, she worked to untangle her leg with the other, feeling herself lowered at the same time. She picked at the strands around her leg as he complimented her, face burning like a brand. “Th-thank you,” she murmured, pausing only long enough to bury her face in his hair... or try to. Some hair settled over her as she did though, so she quickly moved it aside enough so that she wasn’t completely hidden. When he asked if she was stuck, she glanced down at her leg, still caught in a couple curls. “I’m a bit stuck, yeah,” she murmured. “This isn’t hurting you at all is it? I mean, I’m not pulling your hair or anything, am I?” It had never crossed her mind that feeling his hair could lead to her hurting him, but she knew that if she was pulling at his hair, it could hurt him.


    He bit his lip, not meaning to give that impression. It wasn’t weird.... besides, he did weird things too, so who was he to say what was and wasn’t? Not that he felt that way in the first place! “U-uh.... no! I-it’s alright... d-don’t feel weird.... It’s fine, really.” Just.... different, that’s all it was. “You’re.... e-erm.... welcome.” His face got redder... but at least he could say things like that to her now. That, for him, was a huge accomplishment. So she was stuck.... he had a feeling..... Jonathan was about to provide some assitance.... however he paused when asked of it hurting or not. Well.... he certainly did feel her there, every movement in fact. There were a few small sensations of strands being tugged, nothing too bad though. He didn’t want to worry her. “Hurt? Oh n-no, you’re fine.....” He assured. “D-do you want some help g-getting unstuck....?” 


    Lizzie giggled a little at his reply. She was glad he didn’t think she was odd for doing this... even though it got her stuck. Picking at the hairs trapping her ankle, she felt her cheeks start warming up. Man, I trapped myself good, she realized with just a hint of chagrin. Giving up on freeing herself for a bit, she listened to Jonathan’s words. At least she wasn’t hurting him by being all tangled in his hair. “Well,” she started, looking at the mess she had gotten herself into. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have some help.” She gripped some of his hair as she looked at the tangles around her leg. “Just… be careful?”


    She was amused? Probably by his response.... it was pretty shaky. He didn’t know why he was having issues with speaking to her right now..... Maybe because she was so close? Also in an..... odd position.... by being stuck in his hair and all. “A-alright, hold on.....” He felt around carefully, stopping as soon as his fingers brushed up against her form. Right, okay..... she was there, so.... how would he do this, exactly? “Erm....” Taking a hold of the strands that were around her leg, he tried to straighten them out so they would un-curl, and hopefully release her. “Is that helping at all? I-I don’t want to go too fast.....” 


    Lizzie did as instructed with another little giggle. It wasn’t like she was really going to let go until she was untangled, really. She watched the large hand coming closer, unable to keep as calm as she had in the past. There was something about knowing he couldn’t really see her and was reaching for her that made her nervousness flare up. A small gasp escaped her lips as fingers larger than her brushed against her. She clung tight to his hair as those fingers moved above and below her. Feeling movement near her ankle, she dared look down to see the strands straightening and pulling away from her ankle. She kicked lightly to help free herself of the remaining strands. “It’s working!” she encouraged, making sure she had a good hold to keep from falling.


    He smiled a little from hearing that, still attempting to be careful with how he did it. “Good. Tell me if you want me to stop o-or something.” If she was nervous then he certainly was. It was just dreaded that she would get hurt, even though his hand was below her...... Hopefully she get free safely, so far he too had been doing okay with worrying about her, but things like this still made him a bit uneasy. “Was I asleep long....? I-I didn’t meant to drift off like that.... at least not at the kicthen table.....” He thought he’d survive long enough to make it the couch in the living room without passing out..... Apparently not. 


    Lizzie helped as best she could to untangle herself. Soon she felt herself sliding along the strands and was able to half-stand on his fingers. She tried to look at his face at his question. Her face flushed beet red. “I-it wasn’t that long,” she answered sheepishly. “I’m sorry I woke you.” As carefully as she could, she walked along his finger, feeling like a tightrope walker, to his arm. Turning to face him, she sat and smiled sheepishly up at him. “If you need a nap, go ahead,” she told him. “I’ll be okay.”


    “Oh.... good.” He had to keep himself from shaking his head when she apologized. “No, no, it’s alright. I-I wouldn’t have wanted to stay sleeping here anyway.....” It wasn’t the most ideal reasting place.... As much as Jonathan wanted to have a nice sleep, he didn’t want to leave her to herself either..... what would she do? “B-but.....” He attempted to protest, however before he could, a yawn interrupted cut him off. “Mmm..... I guess I’m not much company to you like this anyway.....” He murmured sleepily. “Do you..... want to be left anywhere....? I.... w-was going to go in my bed.....” 


    She couldn’t help flinching at his yawn. His mouth was just so big! She could easily fit inside it. Which.... kind of made her curious. Was that odd? It felt kind of odd, but at the same time... she was really starting to trust him. He wouldn’t hurt her; he kept proving that. After all, she had just been stuck in his hair of all places and he hadn’t just yanked her out. “You... you could take me with you,” she answered, still trying to figure out her oddness. It wasn’t like she was going to actually follow through with them... right? She shook her head, confused by herself. Had she always thought that way? Or was it seeing a mouth so much bigger than she was? Once more, she tried to distract herself by talking to him. “You should get to bed.”


    He hadn’t meant to just yawn right in front of her face like that, and so close.... but yawns were sadly quite unpredictable. “Sure..... o-of course....” She seemed almost somewhere else for a moment there.... Was that because of that pesky yawn? He hoped she didn’t get too spooked by it.... “Yes, a-alright.....” He complied meekly, not needing to be told twice since he was already rather drowsy. Carefully, the arm she wasn’t on was slid from undereath, and he gathered her up into his now free hand. It was brieftly noted that he’d have to clean her dishes at some point.... though he supposed that could be done anytime..... As he got up from his chair, he cupped her closely and purred a little, making his way out of the kicthen and back up the stairs. 


    Lizzie did her best to keep her balance as he moved, soon finding herself in his hand. She willingly settled in his hand. It kind of surprised her how quickly she was adapting to all this. It was only her second day here, and she was already not freaking out about him holding and carrying her around. Heck, she had just been tangled in his hair. And now she was cupped against his chest as he purred. Without thinking too much about what she was doing, she cuddled up against the warm wall of Jonathan’s body, his purr comforting her about her oddness. While she still thought it odd that she might possibly want to be in his mouth, she knew she wouldn’t ask to go through with it. It would probably just freak Jonathan out anyway.... wouldn’t it? “I’m such a weirdo,” she murmured as Jonathan started up the stairs.


    He caught her murmur.... though he wasn’t sure if he should inquire about it or not...... After all, if it wasn’t for his good hearing, he wouldn’t have been able to even detect what she had said. However since he did.... he couldn’t help but be a little curious as to why she’d randomly say such a thing..... “Why do you..... say that?” Had he missed something? Was she still worried about him finding her in his hair? He assured her it wasn’t a big deal, and it really wasn’t. Of course, he was only assuming that was it.... it could be something else. When he made it up stairs it felt like for a moment that had woken him up a little..... but no, the drowsy feeling quickly came back.... There was no escaping the need for rest....


    She jolted a little as he asked about her murmur. For a moment there, she had forgotten just how well he could hear. Her face turned bright red. Maybe she could play it off as his ears playing tricks on him because he was tired. He would probably be able to tell, though. She wasn’t very good at lying, after all. Most people could tell if she was. She sighed and looked up toward Jonathan’s face. There was no way to tell how he would take this... Taking a deep breath did nothing to help calm her. “I... I just am,” she tried. That was so weak, she berated herself even as the words left her lips. She curled into the wall of his abdomen, trying to shake off her nervousness. “It... it was something I thought... after your yawn,” she admitted nervously. “N-nothing bad about you.... Just something.... that when I stop and think about it... seems weird.”


    Her first response left him a bit deflated, it was obvious there was more to it than just that..... Then she eleberated a little more, and he stiffened sligthly when that yawn was mentioned. Ugh, so it did bother her? No..... she said it wasn’t bad, so what did it make her think about that wasn’t bad, but just weird? “Oh.....” Was all he could reply with, bitting his lip as he entered his room. “Erm.....” Should he go into more? He didn’t want to pry.... she seemed almost embrassed, and the way she was curling up like that.... Whatever it was, it couldn’t be that bad, could it......? “Then w-what.......” He took a moment to settle onto his bed first, pulling himself up against the wall in a slumped posture. “What is the thought...... t-that you find so weird?” His hands cupped around her a little more, attempting to provide comfort. “I-I mean you.... Y-you don’t have to answer a-and tell me if you don’t want to.....” Really if she didn’t want to he wouldn’t mind, she already seemed sensitive about it..... 


    Well, the ball was in her court now. He had asked, but also said she didn’t have to answer. But... if she didn’t, that wasn’t really fair to him. He’d probably just keep worrying about it if she didn’t. On the other hand, it might freak him out, especially when he was so careful with her all the time. Her wondering something like that was sure to push him closer to the edge. A sigh escaped her. She didn’t see any way for this to not get awkward. One hand clutched at the fabric of his shirt as she tried to find a way to speak her mind without seeming too weird. With another small sigh and a slight nod, she looked up at him, eyes begging for acceptance. “I... When you yawned... I was... scared, at first, but then,” she paused, unsure of how to go on but knowing she had to now. “Then... a part of me... Then I... I wondered what... what it might be like... to be, y’know.... I mean, you’re so careful with me all the time, and I know you wouldn’t hurt me, so... I guess, I just wondered... what it might... might be like... in there. It’s totally up to you though! I mean, your house, your body, your rules.”  Her blush was not going to go away anytime soon, she was sure.


    It was almost like he was going to melt a little inside from that look in her eyes..... could she look anymore pitiful? His thumb stroked her back in reassurance, he couldn’t help but want to put her at ease. “Y-yes.....?” His eyebrows knitted together slightly when she started off. So it did scare her at first.... he knew it had to of. However when she continued, it took him a minute to understand what she was trying to explain. Jonathan’s face had probably turned the reddest it had ever been so far..... “O-oh my......”  He didn’t even know how to respond to that.... or where to begin..... It was crazy because.... for a bit now, he had been holding back on a few instinctual things. Gestures of harmless affection to his kind, were probably scary ones to her, mostly because of the size diffrence. Although of course, none of them involved her actually being in his mouth, per-say..... So that was kind of new for him. “U-Um..... I...... I mean..... ugh.....” He removed one of his hands from below and rubbed the back of his neck, still not sure how to explain himself. She certainly wasn’t alone with the blushing.... “W-well you know I-I...... I’ve been d-doing a few odd things a-already, right? Humans d-don’t usually nuzzle each other, or purr and growl.... A-as much as I’ve wanted to do m-more..... I’ve gotten w-worried, with your size.... and held back. N-now you tell me this? I don’t know what to say...... A-are you sure you would want that.....?” This question had been asked before, in a different situation.... and it ended with her saying to never do it again. He didn’t want to scare her like that again..... 

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